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Over the years, Chuck has presented hundreds of lectures, seminars and workshops about both psychological and spiritual subjects to a wide variety of audiences from teens to seniors.

He has been invited to speak at churches, hotels, libraries, high schools, universities, hospitals, retreat centers and military bases in more than a half a dozen different states.

Chuck is a Life Member of Mensa and is a regular Speaker at both their local Regional Gatherings on the east coast and at their yearly Mensa Annual Gatherings across the country. 

Because of his formal training as a psychotherapist, Chuck is able to effectively combine the spirituality of eastern philosophy with the practicality of western psychology in powerful ways that clearly speak to the Heart of who we really are.

Chuck has appeared as a Guest on dozens of TV and radio shows in California, Illinois, New Mexico, Colorado, North Carolina, Utah, New York and Canada. 

In 2009, Chuck was interviewed about his books and philosophy by the producers of the powerful new movie, Leap! Finale. (click here to purchase this DVD)